• Klaipeda University
  • 29 May 2024

KU sailing vessel Brabander to represent Lithuania in The Tall Ship Races

The Tall Ship Races will return to Klaipėda for the fifth time on June 27-30. Lithuania will be represented by Klaipėda University’s (KU) traditional sailing vessel Brabander used for the purposes of students’ training and marine research.

For the first time in history Klaipėda has been entrusted with a great responsibility to be the starting port of this unique race, which is a great appreciation of Lithuania as a maritime nation by the international maritime community. The first leg of the race will start in Klaipėda and finish off the coast of Szczecin. Fifty of the world’s largest and most impressive sailing vessels from fourteen countries, including exotic countries such as Ecuador and Brazil, are expected to arrive in Klaipėda for the event, which promotes maritime culture.

Lithuania will be represented in the race by KU sailing vessel Brabander that will start from Klaipėda. Ričardas Ramanauskas, the chief mate of sailing vessel, on behalf of the entire KU, is proud and takes delight in educating the younger generation and introducing them to maritime culture. According to the chief mate, it is extremely valuable to go out to the open sea with young sailors before the race, to teach them the technique of tying the sea knots, the twists and turns of mooring in a harbor, and other subtle aspects of marine life.

The sailing vessel Brabander is not only used for marine research, it is also open to the general public. It is used for sightseeing tours, educational ocean cruises, and hands-on activities for students and schoolchildren. On more than one occasion the sailing vessel has represented Klaipėda University, the port city, and Lithuania in sailing regattas and international events. It is the largest sailing vessel in Lithuania, so every year more and more people want to see it and go on a sea voyage on board.

45 ships from 14 different countries have registered for The Tall Ship Races. In total, around 700 crew members are expected to arrive, half of whom are under the age of 25.


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