• Klaipeda University
  • 04 June 2024

Klaipeda University to become a member of the National Lithuanian Energy Association

Klaipeda University (KU) joined the National Lithuanian Energy Association (NLEA) and became a new member thereof. KU places great emphasis on energy efficiency and decarbonization issues. According to Prof. Dr. Artūras Razbadauskas, KU Rector, joint efforts can help to achieve energy goals more effectively.

Lithuania is undergoing a rapid power system digitalization with the aim to develop and integrate Lithuania into the generation of green hydrogen and its derivatives in Lithuania, which is developing in Europe, as well as the development of solar and wind farms, which is of particular relevance in western Lithuania. KU is actively involved in addressing the problems in this region. In the field of technology, it focuses on energy efficiency, decarbonization, and digitalization of processes.

“Klaipeda University’s joining the Association is of particular significance. By working together, we can achieve our energy goals much more effectively. We can achieve even more by representing western Lithuania in a region with huge potential. Offshore wind power is currently developed at a very fast pace, with many large-scale projects planned, including offshore wind parks. Klaipėda University is contributing to the establishment of the Centre of Excellence for Sustainable Coastal Development to strengthen the scientific potential in this area. This is an international project, in which we and eight other European universities (members of the EU-Conexus Alliance) are developing long-term solutions for the sustainability of the smart city’s shoreline,” says Prof. Dr. Artūras Razbadauskas, KU Rector.  

As stated by Renaldas Radvila, President of the NLEA and CEO of Energijos skirstymo operatoriaus (ESO), the company that is developing the Lithuanian digital energy network, it is of particular importance that more and more higher education institutions are joining the Association.

“Energy companies bring together many professionals in their fields, but the growing synergy between business and science is also crucial. By working together, we can implement a wide range of technological and energy-related projects and share expertise. Therefore, such mutual cooperation is beneficial for both energy companies and the country’s citizens, who can receive better services, as well as for research institutions, due to the increased awareness of the energy career, the opportunities to gain practical experience, and contribute to the development of new competences for the future, in order to adapt to the changes in the green energy labor market,” says R. Radvila listing the benefits of synergy.

Associate Membership of the NLEA is open to other associations and their members, research institutions, as well as other legal entities, the activities whereof are related to those of the NLEA or its full members.


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