• Klaipeda University
  • 25 March 2025

Klaipeda University dancers – the best in Lithuania: the road to Europe and the world ahead

A week ago, a historic moment took place at the Lithuanian Dance Team Championship in Kaunas Sports Hall: Klaipeda University’s (KU) Latin American Sports Dance Team DANĖ won the first place and secured a ticket to the European Championships. The team wowed the audience with a revival of the legendary ŽUVĖDRA James Bond composition, this time presented in an innovative solo dance form. The rapidly improving champion team and its leader Tadas Romeika were congratulated by Prof. Dr. Artūras Razbadauskas, KU Rector, on behalf of the entire university community.  

“Congratulations to the team leader and the whole team. I would also like to thank Prof. Ona Skaistutė Idzelevičienė, who contributed to the preparation of the dance and helped to present this famous composition in a new form at national level. The team will soon perform not only at the European, but also at the World Championships – I sincerely thank you for your contribution to the promotion of Klaipėda University at the international level”, Prof. Dr. Artūras Razbadauskas, KU Rector, expressed his congratulations.

According to the team leader Tadas Romeika, the preparation for the championship has been really tough – they went through an overhaul in choreography and introduced a completely new approach to dance. Training was intense, even twice a day in the last weeks. The leader was delighted with the dedication of the dancers, as most of them would train after their studies or work, and they would come to the morning training despite their fatigue.  

“It was a completely new production. For us it was a big responsibility – we didn’t want to spoil a dance that has earned such a name for itself. We had to rethink everything: going from a couple dance to a solo, adapting the choreography, redoing the costumes, creating synchronization. I think what we did in Kaunas was of the highest level. Now we have to prepare for the European Championships in Spain followed by the World Championships in Portugal,” said T. Romeika delighted with the team’s dedication and achievements.  

A huge responsibility fell on KU freshman Justinas Adomkus, who played the lead role of James Bond. He admits that dancing such a legendary choreography is not only an honor, but also a challenge.

“Dancing the legendary ŽUVĖDRA dance is a truly extraordinary feeling. It’s an obligation knowing that dancers of such a high level have performed it before you. Team dances require more precision and synergy, while couples have more freedom. It’s a completely different experience,” said Justinas.

First-year student Valdonė Mažeikytė admits that this victory means a lot to the team. “It’s an indescribable feeling to take first place. It’s very motivating and gives me confidence before the European and World Championships. Yes, the training is intense – sometimes twice a day – but dance is life for us. When you love what you do, it’s not a sacrifice, it’s a joy.”

The team’s next big goal is the upcoming European Championships on April 18 in Spain. The World Championships scheduled for June 1 in Portugal are also already on the team’s calendar. T. Romeika does not hide his ambitions – he wants to make it to the finals and have the honor to represent not only the university, but also Lithuania.

The residents of Klaipėda will be able to see the performance of KU Latin American Sports Dance Team DANĖ with James Bond composition on April 6 at Švyturys Arena, where the exclusive Danė Cup 2025 Dance Team Festival will take place.

After the victory in Kaunas, the dancers and the team leader T. Romeika were congratulated on behalf of the university community not only by Prof. Dr. Artūras Razbadauskas, the Rector of KU, but also by Dr. Benediktas Petrauskas, the Vice-Rector of Infrastructure and Development of KU, as well as by Banga Balnaitė-Stonienė, the Coordinator of KU Sports Centre. Gratitude was also expressed to Ona Skaistutė Idzelevičienė and Romualdas Idzelevičius, who contributed to the revitalized choreography.


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