Department of Marine Engineering

About Department

The Department of Marine Engineering continues its long-standing academic traditions, training engineering personnel for the globally operating maritime sector, developing science in the fields of marine transport and construction engineering.

For the 2022-2023 academic year, the Department of Marine Engineering offers updated programs for the I and II study stages that have no analogues in other universities in the country:

  • Bachelor's program "Seaport Engineering" (state code 6121EX064) with specialization "Marine Transport Logistics" (in Lithuanian and English).
  • Bachelor's program "Marine Transport Engineering" (state code 6121EX068) with specialization "Naval Architecture and Shipbuilding" (in Lithuanian, English and Russian languages).
  • Bachelor's program "Civil Engineering and Port Structures" (state code 6121EX067) Bachelor's program (Lithuanian language).
  • Master's program "Shipping and Port Engineering" (state code 6211EX066) with specializations "Seaport Management" (Lithuanian and English), "Sustainable Marine Energy Engineering" (Lithuanian), "Naval Architecture and Shipbuilding" (Lithuanian and English ).
  • "Port Structures" (state code 6211EX070) master's program (in Lithuanian).

For professional bachelors, we offer a sessional additional study program called 'Integrated Engineering.' Academic classes are held twice a year for three weeks at the times specified in the study calendar, with some of them conducted according to the distance studies schedule. Those who complete the program receive an Academic Certificate, which enables them to enroll in the KU engineering master's studies. Professional bachelors who have completed higher education collegiate studies in engineering or technological sciences study groups are admitted to the aforementioned master's degrees without additional studies, provided their competitive score is not less than 8.5.

The Department conducts a joint VilniusTech-VDU-KU-KTU Doctoral Study Program in Transport Engineering, which includes research on "green" shipping, transport energy and development of sea ports, so the academic staff of the Department of Marine Engineering is replenished with young researchers every year.

In order to achieve a high quality of studies, a lot of attention is paid to the formation of both engineering and general practical skills: students are taught by practical teachers, research in coursework and theses is related to the solution of problems in the maritime industry, shipping, port structures, international mobility of students is encouraged, in senior courses, the evening schedule is switched to , more convenient for working students.

The acquired experience allows graduates to easily adapt to the workplace, take responsibility and occupy leading positions of managers of various ranks.


Bachelor studies
Marine Transport Engineering


Master's studies
Shipping and Port Engineering




Employees of the Department of Marine Engineering

PhD students

Scientific activity



We are happy with the students' achievements


Departments of Marine Engineering
Aušra Gricė
Bijūnų g. 17
91225 Klaipėda, Lithuania
phone: (8 46) 39 87 29

Head of the Department of Marine Engineering
Head of the undergraduate study program in Marine Transport Engineering

doc. dr. Rima Mickevičienė
Bijūnų g. 17
91225 Klaipeda, Lithuania
phone: (8 46) 39 86 90

Shipping and port engineering
head of study programs

Birutė Plačienė
Bijūnų g. 17
91225 Klaipėda, Lithuania
phone: (8 46) 39 87 29

Civil engineering and port structures,
Guide to port structures study programs

Vygantas Bagočius
Bijūnų g. 17
91225 Klaipėda, Lithuania
phone: (8 46) 39 87 29





Integrated Engineering,
head of study programs

Jevgenija Rutė
Bijūnų g. 17
91225 Klaipėda, Lithuania
phone: (8 46) 39 87 29










Main partners of the department